Monday, May 31, 2010

Under the Pen: Pagani Zonda Cinque

The Cinque's engine bay

Pagani is a relatively new company in the world of supercars. Argentine turned Italian Horatio Pagani styled it after being inspired from working with Lamborghini [he was a janitor btw]. He was eventually promoted to a consultant but soon after left the company to start his own company. To help with development he consulted fellow Argentine and 5 time F1 champ Juan Manuel Fangio. Fangio suggested the use of the Mercedes engine and to honot him Pagani wanted to name it the Fangio F1, unfortunately, Fangio died long before the vehicle was put on sale. To not look like a scapegoat, Pagani chose to rename it the Zonda after an Argentine wind current, he eventually dedicated the F model to Fangio.

It entered the supercar race in 1999, just as the McLaren F1 was packing up. It's mission wasn't to be the fastest, but to bring a unique and bold look to the supercar market. Upon release it was the most outlandish looking car since the Lamborghini Diablo. It quickly escalated to being one of the "elite" "must have" supercars. But it's 11 years old and despite going through 4 different engines and a massive re-engineering in 2005, It's design has not changed much. The design has stood the test of time longer than most cars [in comparison Ferrari has pushed out 3 successors for the F355; the 360, F430 & 458 in the Zonda's timeline]. There have been numerous models, each as unique as the last. The C12, C12 S, 7.3, GR, Monza, R, F and Clubsport round up the list, but seeing that the Zonda is on its last breath, Pagani decided to release one final model. The Cinque.

The cinque would be the final car to enter a group called the elite four [this list shall grow to 5 soon] Other members include the Aston Martin One-77, Bugatti Veyron and Lamborghini Reventon [Koenigsegg Agera should be next]. These vehicles represent the pinnacle of automobile design blurring the line between race car and street car. They all cost over 1 million pounds and are to be sold only to an elite few. These are no longer sportcars, supercars or hyper cars but a new class of vehicle representing the best of the best. Most of these will never see roads and will end up being museum pieces. The Cinque is no different as only 5 will be made and it will bring the Zonda line to an end.

GP Turkey 2010



acrylic on paper 6x10" sold

That was fun...for some!
especially Lewis Hamilton
the red bulls locking horns
Mclaren getting away with it

Revisão antes de viajar ( Checklist )

Os motoristas devem adotar precauções para ter uma viagem segura e confortável. A primeira providência é fazer uma vistoria geral no veículo.

Verifique os seguintes itens:

1. Nível do óleo,
2. Nível da água da bateria,
3. Parte elétrica,
4. Calibragem dos pneus (não esqueça do estepe),
5. Itens obrigatórios de segurança,
6. Validade do extintor de incêndio
7. Macaco, triângulo e chave de roda,
8. Lâmpadas - estão funcionando?
9. Água do radiador
10. Fluido de freio
11. Encher o tanque de combustível
12. Encher o depósito de água do limpador de pára-brisa e verificar a paleta do limpa-vidros
13. A documentação está em dia (DUT, IPVA, Seguro Obrigatório)?
14. É sempre bom levar uma lanterna e um Guia 4 Rodas com as principais estradas, restaurantes, hotéis, pousadas, postos de polícia rodoviária, etc..

A cada 500 km rodados é bom verificar o nível do óleo do motor, através da vareta de controle. Para melhor aferição o carro deve estar em locais planos e com o motor frio.

As crianças devem ficar sempre no banco traseiro. As com idade de até 4 anos devem ser transportadas em cadeiras especiais, com cintos próprios. Dos quatro aos 10 anos é recomendado transportá-las sobre uma almofada para o cinto não encostar no pescoço. Bebês, mesmo recém-nascidos, não devem viajar no colo da mãe, pois em caso de colisão a criança pode ser usada como amortecedor no impacto com o painel ou banco da frente. O ideal é transportá-las em cadeirinhas fixadas de costas do sentido do carro.

O motorista também precisa estar descansado e com a saúde em dia. O cansaço e a fadiga diminuem os reflexos e aumentam a probabilidade de acidentes. Antes de viagens e passeios, dormir de 6 a 8 horas é indispensável. Bebidas alcoólicas e direção não combinam. Se deseja beber dois ou mais chopes, viaje na companhia de alguém que também dirija, e não beba. O gerente de Serviços Médicos da Volkswagen, Murilo Alves Moreira, recomenda também que o motorista não tome qualquer medicamento antes de viajar.

É importante usar roupas adequadas às condições climáticas. Prefira uma alimentação leve, à base de carnes brancas, saladas, frutas. Essa dieta, aliás, é a mais adequada para enfrentar altas temperaturas. Em locais com incidência direta de sol, abra mão de legumes e verduras já temperados e muita atenção com frutos do mar. E não se esqueça de tomar muito líquido, de preferência água, água de coco ou sucos de frutas.

Evite sobrecarregar o veículo ou levar objetos pesados e soltos. Além de prejudicar o desempenho do motor, excesso de bagagem pode comprometer a segurança dos ocupantes. Em uma frenagem mais brusca, qualquer objeto colocado sobre o tampão atrás do banco traseiro, por exemplo, é projetado para a frente e pode atingir a cabeça dos passageiros. O cinto de segurança não pode ficar sobre o pescoço. A parte superior do encosto de cabeça deve ficar na altura dos olhos do ocupante do banco para ser protegido contra lesões na coluna cervical e no pescoço.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

some weird factoids about myself

  • There is nothing on this planet that I understand more than the automobile
  • I think I have mild carpal tunnel, I'm so paranoid about this that I constantly practice writing with my left hand just in case.
  • I'm 5'11-3/4" I'm upset that I'm yet to gain that extra 1/4" -_-
  • My brother and I are roughly the same height, we're the tallest members in our immediate family
  • I only like the Beastie Boys because they are extremely diverse. [hip hop, punk rock, rock, instrumental, metal, jazz and even some reggae]
  • There isn't a career I haven't considered
  • I always admired Leonardo da Vinci, because he was so diverse. When I was younger I wanted to be a Renaissance Man
  • I love my mustache. I only shaved it off once, I'll never do it again -_-
  • My views on automobiles are contradicting, hypocritical and prone to change with mood.
  • Excess piercings creep me out and so do tattoos yet my closest friends have both
  • Also all of my close friends are older than me
  • It is a fact that my music will randomly shuffle from a soft song like Riders of the Storm to something insane like Ace of Spades
  • I only understand certain measurements in standard and others in metric
  • I'm a slave to suggestions. If you tell me that my design is too bland, I will render it till you are pleased. I will not however take suggestions outside of my art work so easily, especially about my mustache.
  • My favorite color has changed from blue to slate to dark red to light blue to de stijl to green. My favorite color is now grey.
  • I don't like the predictable
  • I get uncomfortable when ppl sing badly, mainly cause I'm embarrassed for them
  • I get dehydrated easily and I require a lot of fluids to work once I start moving
  • I think any engine Cosworth touches turns into gold, no argument
  • Very picky when choosing stuff, but will happily take free :)
  • I'm a really mellow guy, as in seriously, my heart rate never races even in near death instances [usually taking place while driving in Cross Roads]
  • Dressing like a slut is an instant turn off, no questions asked
  • I don't like the pessimistic, I don't even speak to them
  • I think my music is the dopest selection of tracks on planet Earth. Don't like my music? Get ur own music player.
  • Once in history class I was unable to identify a Volvo Amazon in a picture, I felt like I let down the side :(
  • My mother swears that I'm in a relationship with any female I talk to, my father really doesn't care.
  • I have a habit of constantly washing my hands for no reason, same applies to brushing my teeth
  • Cheesecake, buy me it and I'm automatically you're friend.
  • I suck at numbers. Don't ask me to work out a mathematical problem in my head, I will get it wrong.
  • My attention span is ridiculously short. I will have spells of just listening to the intro of songs then switch soon after
  • I don't have a favorite architect or piece of architecture, and I may never
  • However Ian Callum and J Mays have been tied for my favorite auto designer since forever.
  • I have 3 main goals in life: get a daughter and name her after my mother, enter a race, get a job that my 8 year old self would be proud of and at the same time enjoy it

Saturday, May 29, 2010

the timeline of michael, the art edition

So this post will be split into different parts of my life enjoy.
  • My first interest in drawing came in 1996 when I was introduced to drawings done by Brian Smith. My mother worked for his mother and I always thought we were cousins because I'd call his mother my aunt [and we sorta looked similar back then]
  • My drawing started off by drawing over pictures and adding other items to them like lasers and rockets [like any kid my age should be doing]
  • A day at the beach was always the topic of choice for art in prep school until one day in grade 6 the teacher banned that choice. I had a sad :(
  • My first memory of drawing a vehicle was actually a vandalism of this other guy's drawings. He drew better than me but I thought of his drawings as boring, so I added wings and jets to his car drawings. He was pissed that I would do such sacrilege to his works of art.
  • At high school my drawing advanced significantly after being involved in mini competitions with Orville, Orville always won. I was only able to beat Orville after 4th form [mainly because he switched from drawing to studying]
  • The finale of our rivalry came with the final project for art in 3rd form. We both chose the topic "The robbery" I did a still of someone stealing a Ferrari 355 while Orville did an action shot of a Porsche 911 being chased by Police, it was called 911 vs 911. Orville won again.
  • Shortly after I met Gilberto who inspired me into drawing cars. I occasionally called him Giugario because of his drawing style. I got the short lived name of Sergio because of a Ferrari designer.
  • His brother commented on the rims of one my drawings, stating that it didn't look good. Ever since then most of my auto drawings lack wheels.
  • From high school until now I think the Porsche 911 is the hardest car to draw
  • Matthew Nesbeth thought me most of the engineering stuff surrounding cars like brake coolers and diffusers. Since this, my vehicle drawings changed from concept to something that could be built.
  • Got interested in graffiti after Kiran and I spent a good while trying decide what we should vandalize before we graduated. I failed at this.
  • Got exposed to comic drawing while at Pre UWI, tried but never succeeded at it.
  • Shortly realised that I can't draw caricature.
  • Learnt Photoshop at Pre UWI too, I still feel proud that I'm self taught :D, I had Ps 7 for most of my life and learnt to cope with it until getting CS4.
  • Also learnt Windows Movie Maker, haven't used it in ages.
  • Went to Edna Manley part time for a year, quickly learnt to use different materials and started drawing things that were not cars.
  • Applied to go to Edna Manley full time, I felt even more convinced after completing the written part of the application process.
  • My lecturer during my part time courses suggested I did graphic design, [funny enough the head of graphic design at edna is a member of the classic car club, and he interviewed me too.]
  • Eventually went to do architecture because they answered me first, I really wasn't expecting to get in, most of my friends still think I go to Edna.
  • Met Pete at CSA, he exposed me to a lot of pen and ink techniques [as well as some camera experiments]
  • Learnt to use other design programs at CSA [mostly self taught]: Google Sketch-Up, Dreamweaver, Auto CAD, Illustrator, In-Design, Virtual DJ [messed with for a short time], Flash [still learning] and 3DS Max [still learning]
  • Just recently I realized that all the artistic ppl are on my mother's side
After all of this, I realize that I need to assemble a full portfolio of my work

Friday, May 28, 2010

know ur engine coedz

Ok complex stuff now. Engine codes. All engines have an alphanumeric code, some companies use this code as the only form of engine identification [primarily the Japanese] In this extremely boring post I shall highlight 2 of the more complex engine coding systems.

Now all engine codes identify at least 2 of the following: engine size [most times measured in litres], the amount of cylinders [rarely used], fuel delivery [whether fuel injected or carburetted although carbs don't exist anymore], engine family name [always used], engine series number [a code separating engines in the same family], valvetrain and forced induction if any [supercharged or turbocharged]

First up Toyota [also used in Lexus, Scion, Daihatsu and some Lotus]

example code: 2JZ-GTE [Toyota Supra engine code]
This code is split into 2 parts, the first half is the engine's name and the second half [the part after the dash] is the engine's details

[2] This is the engine series number. It usually has a range of 1-5 but it can reach 22
[JZ] This is the engine family. ZZ, A, E, S and ZR are other popular engine families
[G] This is the code used for Toyota's performance engine, it also denotes it has a DOHC valvetrain. F is the code for Toyota's performance range. If neither an F or G is present it is either SOHC or OHV
[T] This code is used to tell if the enigne is turbocharged. Z is used for supercharged engines. If a T or Z is absent, it is naturally aspirated.
[E] This denotes that the engine has electronic fuel injection.

Other codes used in the second half:
[H] high compression
[U] JDM spec catalytic converter
[V] Common Rail Diesel Injection
[C] Carburetted]
[A] Valvematic
[X] Atkinson cycle, prepared for a hybrid

examples to decode yourself: 2ZZ-GZE [Lotus Exige S], 2ZR-FXE [201o Toyota Prius], 1LR-GUE [Lexus LF-A]
Tuners making modifications to these engines will make their own custom codes for example 1.5JZ-GTE [a 2JZ engine with the top half of a 1JZ], 7A-GE [a 7A-FE with the top half of a 4A-GE

Next up Nissan [also found in Inifinity and some Renaults]

RB26-DETT [Nissan Skyline GT-R's engine code]
Similar to Toyota's system the code is split half

[RB] Engine family name. Unlike Toyota, the letter's usually mean something. RB stands for racebred. And if there is a D it means its a diesel, example the YD family
[26] Engine size. 26 means 2.6 litres
[D] Valvetrain. D stands for DOHC. It can also stand for direct injection or Diesel. Multiple D's in a code is common. V can be used to represent DOHC with variable valve lift.
[E] Electronic fuel injection
[TT] Turbochraged. Specifically TT means Twin turbos. R would stand for supercharged

Other letter codes to put around the back
[HR] High Response
[S] Carburetted

sample codes: VR38-VETT [Nissan GT-R], VQ37-VE [Infinity G37], SR16-VE [Nissan Pulsar VZR]

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Imagens do novo Audi TTS

A Audi divulgou imagens do novo TT o Audi TTS Coupé. Que vem com poucas mudanças da versão anterior.

As principais mudanças são a grade dianteira recebeu uma barra de alumínio, pára-choques maiores, faróis de neblina com contorno cromado e iluminação em LED.

O motor do TTS é um 2.0 TFSi com 272 cavalos que o levam de 0 a 100 km/h em 5,2 segundos e tem a máxima de 250 km/h.

Clique nas fotos para ampliar

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

GT4 vehicle listing: the peak of boredom

This should be all 165 cars in my GT4 collection, saving up right now for a Shelby Cobra and some others

Alfa Romeo [Italian]
2002 147 GTA
1965 Giulia Sprint GTA 1600
2004 GT 3.2 24V
1966 Spider 1600 Duetto

Aston Martin [British]
2003 DB9 Coupe

Audi [German]
2003 Le Mans Quattro [R8 Concept Car]
2003 Pikes Peak Quattro [Q7 Concept Car]
2001 R8 Race Car
2001 RS4
1937 (Auto Union) V16 Type C Streamlined

2003 Speed 8 Race Car

BMW [German]
2004 120d
1973 2002 Turbo
2004 M3
2003 M3 CSL
2003 M3 GTR
2005 M5

Buick [American]
1987 GNX
1962 Special

Cadillac [American]
2002 Cien

Caterham [British]
2002 Seven Fire Blade [x2]

Chaparral [American]
1970 2J Race Car

Chevrolet [American]
1969 Camaro SS
2000 Corvette C5R
1954 Corvette Convertible
1963 Covette Coupe
1990 Corvette ZR-1
2002 Silverado SST Concept

Citroen [French]
1954 2CV Type A

Dodge [American]
1970 Charger 440 R/T
2000 Viper GTSR Concept

DMC [American]
2004 DeLorean S2

Fiat [Italian]
1969 500L
1972 500R

Ford [American]
1998 Escort Rally Car
2004 FPV F6 Typhoon
2002 GT
2004 GT LM Race Car Spec II
1969 GT40 Race Car
1985 RS200 Rally Car

Gillet [Belgian]
2004 Vertigo Race Car

Ginetta [British]
1964 G4

Honda/Acura [Japanese]
2004 Amuse S2000 GT1
1983 City Turbo II
1997 Civic Type R
2001 Civic Type R
1990 CR-X SiR
2004 HSC
2001 NSX-R Concept
2002 NSX-R Prototype LM Race Car
1999 Spoon Integra Type R
2003 Takata Dome NSX (JGTC)

Jaguar [British]
1988 XJR-9 Race Car

Lancia [Italian]
1991 Delta HF Integrale Evoluzione
1985 Delta S4 Rally Car
1977 Stratos Rally Car

Land Rover [British]
2004 Range Stormer Concept

Lotus [British]
1990 Carlton
1962 Elan S1
2004 Elise 111R
2003 Elise 111S
2000 Elise
1998 Elise Sport 190
2000 Esprit Sport 350
1987 Esprit Turbo HC
1998 Esprit V8 GT
1999 Motor Sport Elise

Mazda [Japanese]
1991 787B Race Car
1962 Carol 360 Deluxe
2005 Mazdaspeed 6
2002 RX-7 Spirit R Type A
2001 RX-8 Concept LM Race Car
2003 RX-8 Type S (J)

McLaren [British]
1997 F1 GTR Race Car

Mercedes-Benz [German]
1991 190E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II
1992 190E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II AMG Touring Car
1954 300 SL Coupe
1998 CLK-GTR Race Car
2000 CLK Touring Car
1886 (Daimler) Motor Carriage
2002 E55 AMG
1886 Patent Motor Wagen
1989 Sauber C9 Race Car
2004 SL65 AMG
2003 SLR McLaren

Mini [British]
2002 Cooper S

Mitsubishi [Japanese]
2001 CZ-3 Tarmac
2002 CZ-3 Tarmac Rally Car
1989 Galant 2.0 DOHC Turbo VR-4
1996 Lancer Evolution IV GSR
2000 Lancer Evolution VI GSR Tommi Makinen Edition
2004 Lancer Evolution VIII MR GSR

Nike [American]
2022 One

Nissan [Japanese]
1996 240SX
1989 300ZX 2 seater
2004 Amuse Skyline GT-R CarbonR
2005 350Z Gran Turismo 4 Limited Edition
2002 Cube EX (FF/CVT)
1968 Fairlady 2000
2002 GT-R Concept LM Race Car
2004 Motul Pitwork Z (JGTC)
1996 Nismo 400R
2003 Nismo Fairlady Z Z-Tune
1992 R92 CP Race Car
1998 Sileighty
1999 Silvia Spec R Aero
1973 Skyline 2000GT-R
2001 Skyline GT-R Gran Turismo Pace Car
1993 Skyline GT-R Vspec N1
1970 Skyline HT 2000GT-R

Opel [German]
2000 Speedster

Pagani [Italian]
2003 Zonda C12S 7.3

Peugeot [French]
2003 106 Rallye
1985 205 Turbo 16
1986 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car
1999 206 Rally Car

Polyphony Digital [Japanese]
2004 Formula Gran Turismo

Pontiac [American]
2002 Solstice Coupe Concept

Renault [French]
2003 Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2
2000 Clio Sport Trophy 24V Race Car
1980 R5 Turbo

Ruf aka Porsche [German]
1986 BTR
1987 CTR Yellow Bird
1996 CTR2
2000 RGT

Shelby [American]
1965 Mustang G.T. 350R
1966 AC 427 S/C

Subaru [Japanese]
1998 Impreza Coupe 22B-STi
2003 Impreza Rally Car
2004 Impreza Sedan WRX STi spec C
2003 Legacy Wagon 2.0 GT spec B

Suzuki [Japanese]
2003 Concept S-2 [Swift Concept Car]
2001 GSX-R/4
2002 Kei Works

Tommy Kaira [Japanese]
2000 ZZII

Toyota [Japanese]
1970 7 Race Car
2002 Caldina GT-Four
1998 Celica GT-Four
1995 Celica Rally Car
1983 Corolla Levin GT-Apex (AE86)
1989 Minolta 88C-V Race Car
1986 MR2 1600 G
2003 Prius G
1983 Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex (AE86)
2000 Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex (AE86) Shuichi Shigeno Version
1997 Starlet Glaza V
2000 Super Autobacs Apex MR-S (JGTC)
1997 Supra RZ
2002 Vitz RS Turbo
2003 Wedssport Celica JGTC

TVR [British]
2000 Cerbera Speed 12
2003 T350C
2002 Tamora
2000 Tuscan Speed 6

Volvo [Swedish]
1988 240 GLT Estate

VW [German]
1949 Beetle 1100 Standard
2000 Beetle RSi
1976 Golf I GTI
2005 Golf V GTI
2004 HPA Motorsports Golf IV R32 Stage II
1968 Karmann Ghia Coupe
2001 Lupo GTI
2003 Lupo GTI Cup Car (J)
2001 W12 Nardo Concept

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Drift King himself: Keiichi Tsuchiya

Keiichi Tsuchiya's brief role in The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift

In the world of racing Japan really isn't a strong player. A lot of their talent stays in Japan and doesn't leave Japan. There have been a few exceptions but without a doubt the guy that stood out the most is Keiichi Tsuchiya [who shall hence forth be mentioned as either Tsuchiya, Drift King or DK]. Unlike most famous racers, Tsuchiya wasn't from a racing family or rich. His career started in the streets with various cars, the most famous being the AE86. In the 70s he joined professional racing and alternated between the two until his racing license was suspended. He ended is illegal streak and went straight back into racing. His racing success really was minute compared to his drifiting success despite getting a class win and a second overall at the 24hrs of Le Mans.

DK and his AE86 Corolla

Drift Career

His call to fame was his involvement in races in the 80s where he would drift the entire course. Since then he has been known as the drift king and his story has been immortalized in the anime series Inital D [which also immortalized his love for the AE86]. Drifting was born in the hills of Japan where hoons would race down the hill passes [called a Touge]. It was found that touge's offered a new skill level and drifting became a display of talent. Tsuchiya immortalzed his image by drifting all 184 corners of one pass.

Soon after, a new form of racing was created and numerous copy cats followed. Inevitably the Formula Drift [USA] and D1 GP [Japan] series was started, numerous former rally stars contributed. It takes place on closed courses were drivers drift in pairs and are judged on style. Strategy surrounds intimidating your opponent into messing up. Tsuchiya serves as a judge in both series. Numerous drifters have arose from this series such as Vaughn Gittin Jr. [record holder for the longest drift], Rhys Millen [first drifter to get support from a manufacturer and record holder for the Pike's Peak hill climb], Ken Gushi [youngest person to compete in a drift series even before he had a license], Tanner Faust [future host of Top Gear USA and fellow stunt driver in Tokyo Drift], Taka Aono [taking the game to the big boys in his tiny AE86] and Nobuteru Taniguchi [nicknamed N.O.B.- No One Better]

Now Tsuchiya is living off of his fame. His drifting tutorials, Drift Bible, is a must watch for any drifting fan. Tsuchiya is the only racer IMHO to have created a new form of motorsport and as a result, he is without a doubt the greatest racer Japan has produced. It can be argued that he can be considered one of the best in the world, but that's another argument.

Divulgado Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400

Depois de divulgar algumas imagens do a Subaru finalmente divulgou mais detalhes e fotos da edição especial o Cosworth Impreza STI CS400, que foi desenvolvido com a parceria da Subaru e Cosworth.

A versão mais apimentada do Impreza WRX STI eleva os 305 cv para 400cv. Para chagar a esta potencia foram colocadas novas bielas de alta resistência, rolamentos e uma nova bomba de óleo de alta pressão, além de um turbo redesenhado, sistema de escape e alterações na centralina do motor. Estas mudanças fazem o carro ir de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,7 segundos.

Mas não foi modificado apenas o motor, Cosworth também recebeu um tratamento nos amortecedores e molas que o deixaram um pouco mais baixo e ainda foi reforçado o sistema de freios com discos de 355 mm da AP Racing e pinças de seis pistões.

Serão fabricadas apenas 75 unidades do Cosworth Impreza STI CS400 que serão vendidas apenas para o mercado Inglês.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nissan GT-R: The arguement

2 of the last 4 vehicles I featured on my blog [LF-A and 911] made mention of the Nissan GT-R. The GT-R is no doubt an important car as it represents Japan's return to the supercar market since the death of the NSX. The GT-R first showed its face in 2001 as a concept [that no one expected to be built] In 2005 they showed another prototype that looked more probable. Finally it was released in the winter of 2007. Before its release I fell in love with it. Claims of besting the 911 Turbo [aka the lazy 911] in performance and price was promising, but shortly after release, it slowly started becoming a shady character in the automotive world. Lemme jus list some reasons why I don't like it.

  • The hype before release: Nissan was so confident with the GT-R that sales begun even before pictures of the final vehicle was released. It worked, most JDM GT-R models were sold within weeks of the announcement

  • The ridiculously good numbers: In the automotive world, numbers is the real measuring stick of an automobile and the GT-R had really good numbers. Some of the good numbers included 0-60 times, 1/4mile times and Nurburgring times seemed way too good for the power-to-weight ratio [the GT-R is a fatty] The Nurburgring times could not be replicated by anyone outside of Nissan and numerous sources found that the hp figures were lies [which made the 1/4 mile and 0-60 times make sense] The hp was more than advertised, which I don't mind, its almost like a Japanese tradition to do so. The price was also good, undercutting the 911 Turbo by a significant amount.

  • No Manual option: All of the GT-Rs competitors have a manual option shame Nissan shame

  • You can't change tyres without getting an error warning: The GT-R is a very sensitive car, filled with all sorts of sensors nannying you into doing the right thing. They all come with a black box that records speeds and stuff. It's also hooked up to a GPS that can identify if you are on a race track or not. [If you're not on a track the car can't pass 124mph, JDM models only] This car really kills the spirit of DIY, the engine control unit [ECU] is said to be un-hackable, the tyres are filled with nitrogen...... NITROGEN, where the hell you gonna get nitrogen to fill your tyres outside of the US. [don't worry Bolt's GT-R doesn't have on the stock tyres, meaning that more than likely normal air is in the tyres]

  • The transmission problem: Now a couple of months after the GT-Rs release, numerous owners were complaining about their transmission grenading under launching. Nissan found the problem to be related to the launch control system, which was deemed "violent." Despite this, Nissan refused to fix these transmissions under warranty claiming that activating launch control voided the warranty [this was in some fine print somewhere] Chevrolet quickly jumped up and poked fun at the GT-R and emphasized that activating the Corvette's launch control would not void the warranty. GT-Rs reaction to this was removing launch control for a year then replacing it with a not so violent system.

  • The Spec V: A year after initial release, Nissan announced the Spec V model which served as a top of the line model. They jacked up the price [nearly doubling it] yet the hp did not go up. The weight dropped by 60kg [about the weight of a small passenger] yet they did so much modifications. It had carbon fibre body panels, no back seats, carbon ceramic brakes and an upgraded suspension. When Ferrari or Corvette does these upgrades, they don't go over 30k. [and they all use the same expensive Brembo brakes] After so much modifications no Nurburgring times were published, early suggestions implied that the times were worse.

  • The NISMO package: Nissan's tuning arm NISMO, offered ECU's and TCU's [transmission control units] to both GT-Rs, this raised the top speed to 199mph and added 1.5psi to the turbos. Problem was, you only could rent them, now renting ECU's don't make no sense. They cost $3,000US and is leased over a 2 year period. After that you have to return them or pay $329 a year to keep them. In comparison, if you buy an STS turbocharger system for the base Corvette, the warranty is not void! [mainly because STS's warranty replaces the factory one]

  • Its not original or innovative: When this vehicle was being developed, Nissan pulled apart a Porsche 911 to serve as a base for the GT-R to be set on. The brakes are by Brembo, the engine by Cosworth and the handling by Lotus, even the user interface was done by the guys who did GT4. All this shows is that Nissan has money but no proper racing engineering background. Because of this, its all conservative, there isn't one thing on the GT-R that hasn't been seen before.

  • No lineage: Well in defense of the GT-R Nissan decided to separate the Skyline and the GT-R projects so I won't argue as to why this isn't an inline 6. But I will argue as to why the race versions of this car has no relation to the production vehicle! Porsche and Corvette take racing seriously as their race cars are strongly related to the road cars. The GT-R however has in a V8 from the 350Z JGTC

  • No lightweight materials: Thats sports car rule #4. Simplify then add lightness. And to think Lotus helped with this. All body panels are steel except the roof and bonnet which are aluminium. At least the Spec-V loses some weight [not much tho]
So summary is, the GT-R is a good car but it does not live up to the God status that so many of its fans have hailed it as. I really think even in the design Nissan has gone far into ensuring it depicts what a Japanese supercar is supposed to look like, not following any Italian shapes or what not. I say the price is justified by the fact that your movements are limited. If you are a true petrol head, you'd have gotten an original Skyline GT-R.

Mission: yrntuwatchin TG? Fiesta edition

Top Gear is the coolest automotive show on planet earth, science has proved it. Each episode is a different epic story surrounding a vehicle that is either ridiculously expensive or ridiculously cheap. In the first part of this series I shall feature the Ford Fiesta test, which is neither ridiculously cheap or expensive but it is their most thorough/entertaining road test. Begining as a response to an imaginary complaint letter from the host of their main competitor, Fifth Gear, the review starts out as any normal car review would, but ends on a very high Top Gear note.

The Gran Turismo Challenge

As each summer passes, my mission is to crawl closer to the 100% mark in Gran Turismo 4 [I'm at 98.8% as of today] To attain 100% the following tasks must be completed.

  • All Gold Medals in the License Series: The License series is a string of events where one is required to complete a lap or a section of a track in a given amount of time. Each stage has 3 times, a Gold, Silver and Bronze time, with Gold being the fastest time and Bronze being a pass. There are 5 levels of Licenses [in order of easy to difficult]: B, A, International B [iB], International A [iA] and Super [S]. The cars, tracks and times are already predetermined for all of them. Licenses are required to enter some races. So far I have all of my Licenses but only all gold in B.
    Example of an S License run.

  • Completing the Driving Mission Series: These are special races where you are put in a certain situation and required to win. It can be seen as a continuation of the License Series except you don't need to win any to enter any other races. Like the License series, the tracks and cars are already predetermined. There are different classes of missions [from easy to hard]:
    The Pass: This utilizes either one or more corners of a track where you must overtake a car similar to yours. [10/10]
    3 Lap Challenge: This series simulates the instance of trying to win from last place in the final few laps. You have 3 laps to move from last place to first. [3/8]
    Slipstream Challenge: This one requires you to pass cars similar to yours by only using a slipstream maneuver [a slipstream is an area behind a car of low wind resistance, by moving into this slipstream a vehicle from behind will achieve a speed advantage]. [4/4]
    1 Lap Magic: In this you are in last place and are given a start time disadvantage. Within one lap you must pass all 5 cars [all of which are significantly slower than yours]. [11/12]
    An example of someone completing a 1 Lap Challenge race

  • Complete the Race Series: These are races with set tracks and laps, in most cases the choice of vehicles are open. There are 4 tiers Beginner, Professional, Extreme and Endurance [as the name suggests this is the series with all the long 24hr races and what not] [completed all races in the series]

  • Complete the Country Races: These are races where you can only race vehicles built in that specific country. in most cases the race tracks are also located in these countries. There is the European, Japanese and American series. [completed them all I think]

  • Complete the Constructor Races: These are races within the manufacturers, not all manufacturers have races and there are too much for me to list. There is usually a list of which of their vehicles are allowed to enter. [completed them all]

  • Complete the Special Event Series: These are the rally races held on wet, tight, dirt and snow tracks [edit: after re-reading this I just noticed the "off" descriptions.] Unlike the rest of the racing series, this does not permit you to use B-spec mode [GT4's autopilot] [completed all of these]
So it's just license and the driving missions left. License first though as those seem easier.

Piloto bom de braço

Existem muitos pilotos muito bons espalhados pelo mundo. Mas existem casos onde não basta ser habilidoso tem que ter muita sorte, é o caso de vídeo abaixo, pois ainda não sei se o car é muito bom ou se tem muita sorte.

Via Pilândia

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Under the Pen: Tata Nano

Nearly every auto-manufacturing country has donated to a unique class of cars called "The people's car." This class of vehicle is built with the sole purpose of helping everyone attain a car. It's focus is to achieve a low cost through clever engineering. The select few vehicles to contribute to this class is the Mini, Ford Model T, VW Beetle, Fiat 500, Honda 50 [its a bike btw] and Citroen 2CV all of which have [except the T] survived at least 20-40 years of constant uninterrupted production. Unfortunately since the introduction of the Mini 50 years ago, no vehicle has really stepped up to be apart of this elite group, until 2008 when the Indians enter the ring.

The Tata Nano was Ratan Tata's dream come to life. It's mission is to be the cheapest car in production. Numerous efforts are taken to keep its price down all of which will be highlighted in this issue of Under the Pen.

The 911: the most awesomest of vehicles

Now I have a soft spot for the 911. I was never a fan of the 996 series, it was drab, blah and meh. The 996 was Porsche's attempt at stepping away from the 911 formula of success. But what is this formula 911? Quick history lesson time :)

911 series [from l-r]
901, 930, 959, 964, 993, 996, 996 facelift, 997

Ferdinand Porsche kick-started his new company in the late 40s with the 356. The 356 was based on his previous nazi project now known as the beetle. The 356 did well and as such, needed a proper replacement, the 911. The 901 model ran for nearly a 1/4 century with a small amount of changes. The design revolved around its engine, which is quite unique. A 2.0L flat 6 powered it and just like the beetle it was cooled by the atmosphere and hung off its ass. Ferdinand loved this idea as the weight of the engine on the rear tyres maximized grip back there and left enough room for back seats. Because of its weird engine layout, the silhouette of the 911 was also based on the beetle, an aerodynamic shape mimicking a teardrop which allowed for good space inside and for the trunk as well as ensuring the flat engine stays in place. By basing the vehicle on the beetle, Ferdinand ensured that this was to be also used as a family car, next up, he wanted to ensure it was fast.

911 turbo models from the 930-997

Ferdinand's strong belief in the development of cars through racing payed off. The 901 chassis was constantly under development over 24 years, from this Porsche developed templates for all future 911s to be based from:

  • Carrera : This is the base model 911, current models use a 3.6L and a 3.8L 'S' model, both are available in hardtop and convertible. The carrera name has been used since the 356 and is a tribute to Porsche's success at the Carrera Panamerica. All Carrera's are also available in 4WD [first appearing on the 964 model].
    My Description: The Carrera is for the person who wants to experience the simple joys of sporting, nothing too complexed, nothing too hard.
    My Favourite: 997 Sport Classic [a limited edition Carrera 2 with a special paint job, and a heritage duck tail spoiler]

  • Turbo: The 911's first turbocharged model was the 930 and it was a handful. A huge wing was added to help to tame it [using clever designing, the wing also held the intercooler making it dual purpose as the cramped engine bay could not hold it] The 964 model improved on it slightly and the 993 model added 4WD. Currently the 911 turbo uses a 3.6L twin turbo engine. It is the first gasoline production vehicle to use variable turbine geometry. It is also available in convertible. The turbo has evolved from a wild vehicle to Porsche's tamest model.
    My Description: The Turbo is what we be considered a Grand Tourer, a vehicle built to cover long stretches of autobahn trouble free
    My Favorite: 964 Slantnose Turbo [a rare aerodynamic version]

  • Targa: This was the 911's first attempt at a convertible named after the popular Targa Florio race that Porsche dominated. It is defined as being a typical coupe with a removable roof. Current targa models use a large sliding glass roof. It is currently only available in 4wd with both 3.6L and 3.8L engine options.
    My Description: It is Porsche's heritage model, and imho Porsche's best looking
    My Favorite: a 901 Targa

  • 997 911 Targa 4S

  • GT3: This is a stripped down model that first saw its way in the 996 chassis. It's lineage goes way back to the 901 Carrera 3.2 RS model. In honor of that model, the top of the line GT3 is called the RS, it's even lighter and includes a rollcage as standard. It's only engine choice is a 415hp 3.8L motor connected only to a 6 speed manual. To proove itself, Porsche raced a bone-stock GT3 RS model in last weekend's 24hrs of nurburgring. They drove it there from the factory, raced it and drove it back. It came 13th with stock tyres which is amazing [although Porsche is disappointed]. As I'm typing this it's driving on its way back from the ring.
    My Description: Porsche's track oriented car, if you don't know what clipping an apex is, don't get one. The fact that a rollcage, fire extinguisher and 4 point harness is a no cost option means alot
    My Favorite: 997 GT3 RS 3.8L [you have to love the looney color combinations this car comes in

  • GT2: This is a stripped down version of the turbo using similar methods as the GT3. It ditches 4wd for a lighter 2wd system. It first saw it's way in the 993 chassis and has since been seen as a descendant of the original 930 turbo. A GT2 RS is out with plans to hold down the nurburgring lap record.
    My Description: the peak of the 911 ladder, only buy if you have a racing licence
    My Favorite: 997 GT2 RS
997 911 GT2 RS
Other Models:
  • 911 GT1: Prototype racing car not considered a true 911 as it used a midship layout. It only shared engines with the 911.
  • 959: The first to utilize the switch to water cooled engines. Served as a test bed for the future of the 911 model. Former holder of fastest production car. Not considered a true 911 as it used a water cooled engine [back in the days when air cooled was a way of life]
911 firsts:

  • Carbon ceramic brakes: common staple amongst the supercars. Porsche still makes them the best of the best. Carbon braked 911s are identifiable by their yellow calipers. First introduced on the 993 GT2
  • Variable Geometry Turbine: so far still the only company to have them on petrol engines. The ultimate evolution of the turbocharger. First seen on the 997 Turbo
  • The Tiptronic name: I find it funny that the company who invented the all popular phrase is dropping it for another unique Porsche invention: PDK. First saw light on the 964
  • Active Engine Mounts: real epic engineering, I dunno how to explain it but it works. First seen on 997 GT3 3.8
  • Corvette: This is one of its biggest rivals as it can match the versatility of most of its models. They also occasionally knock heads in the LM racing series.
  • GT-R: This is an on and off competitor. It acts as a bargain 911 using technology to push it forward, but one can't escape the fact that a 911 was used as a base in the development of it.

The 911 is perfect as it finds balance in being nostalgic yet being technologically ground breaking. It has long been the benchmark as to what all cars should be. It's design is classic, pure and is filled with lineage. It's racing history is highly decorated. It's respect is well deserved. The ass engined nazi slot car shall live forever.

911 GT3 RS 3.8L facelift [my favorite 911]

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My first love, a car called zoe

Roughly a year ago, the president of the Classic Car Club informed me of an interesting car for sale.. a 1989 Nissan 300ZX twin turbo for around $350k. I wanted it. After getting the number for the owner I was determined to visit him. I was heading home right after spending the whole day at the beach and had to go in the midst of downtown to look for this car.

Well as said before it's an 89 300ZX, it was originally an N/A ZX but he swapped the engine out for a full twin turbo engine [yes a full engine swap he did not just bolt on 2 turbos and call it a day. He still had the original engine as spare parts which he included in the sale [everything was there except the engine block which was stolen by scrap metal thieves] It was targa top 2+2 [because you couldn't get the 2+2 from factory with turbos, this was a one of a kind] The trunk was massive [as all Z's are] and the original color was blue [instead of this orange which is a tribute to the 350Zs shade of orange] but the biggest drawback was that it was an auto. Despite the auto slushbox and the worn leather, I loved it. Unlike the RAV 4 where you felt as if you were riding a horse, this felt as if you were in a proper cabin.

I nearly cried when my father lectured me on why he wanted me to keep the RAV4 [it was grandmothers own b4 she died]. But being the good guy I am, I helped the owner give that 300ZX find a new home. The owner constantly offered me cash offerings of kindness but I declined as a) he sold that car for much less than it was worth and b) I not going to those ends of downtown again.

Why did I love it.... I dunno. To the average man it was pure crap, but to me it showed that there is hope for the rwd auto enthusiast in this country. I felt the same way when I went to my mechanic's house today to look at his BDA powered Merkur XRTi [aka Ford Sierra] The interior was crap and pieces of the body were evaporating, but I wanted it. I really hope that by the time the current owner will be ready to sell it, I'll be ready. [and maybe by that time he might do the manual swap for me]

Ye, I'm an architecture student too

So my first overseas summer trip since Ghana is coming up. The destination is NY! My last trip to New York was in 06, back in the summer where I witnessed Button win his first race [epic meng]. Since now and then I have gained an appreciation for architecture and a lust to visit some of the buildings I see on Dr. Bailey's powerpo..... errm I mean keynote presentations. So here is a list of places to visit for August '10

  • USS Intrepid [never gets old]
  • MoMA [its not high on my list but I'd like to]
  • The all glass Apple Store [last time I went to NY it wasn't built as yet
  • The U.N.!!!
  • Cheesecake factory cheesecake!!!
  • Guggenheim Museum [A MUST!!!]
  • Ground Zero [A MUST also, didn't get to go there in 06, and I almost got to go in there in 01]
  • Grand Central Station [I know we gonna go there, but I wanna go again
  • Some random skyscrapers [even if I just goin to look at its mass]
  • Central Park [yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaa]
  • that boardwalk thingy [ye went once, want to go again
  • Some theme parks [hell yesss!!!]

Under the Pen: Lexus LF-A

The LF-A's digital dashboard.

The LF-A is the newest addition to the ridiculously small Japanese supercar shortlist. This is the 3rd Japanese supercar of all time [5th if your conservative] which is tiny considering Ferrari is pushing out 4 models this year alone. The fact is Japanese laws restrict hp to go above 276hp, which has limited Japan to only making sports cars [which they are doing well at]. The Honda NSX is the only super car to be built within this 276hp rule and has managed to hold off big dogs due to its light weight and good aero. It was such a good car that Gordon Murray used it as a template in the design of the McLaren F1, which reigned as the king of the supercar for 14 years. The second Japanese supercar I feel is the Nissan GTR which became famous by using technology to improve its performance to supercar levels while keeping the price at Nissan levels.

So enough about the past.... on to the present. The LF-A has been in development for 10 years. Each new concept was a new design, with a new layout, like Toyota was scanning every possible inch to perfect their automobile. Unfortunately there are flaws, but these are the flaws that all supercars live by. However I do like this car as it and the GT-R represent what true Japanese design is [the NSX looks like a Lotus Esprit still aka the cliche supercar shape] Curves and shapes formed by the wind [tunnel] and not inspired by some Italian supercar of the 80s.

At first seeing it, the LF-A is a unique step away from the Lexus [or Toyota] way of thinking. Lexus is the beige-est of the beige cars and has been known for illicitly copying Mercedes-Benz's designs [LS430 vs Benz S430 for starters] But when you look down into it, this is as Lexusy as any other vehicle in it's line-up. It is a proper Halo car.

My Design Review, complete with grammatical errors :D!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Recall do novo Ka

A Ford anunciou o recall para o novo Ford Ka que foram fabricados entre 2008 e 31 de janeiro de 2010.

166.460 unidades estão envolvidas na convocação. O problema esta na fixação do chicote elétrico que com o atrito com a carroceria pode desgastar causando queima de fusíveis inclusive pode pegar fogo.

A inspeção deve ser agendada nas concessionária e maiores informações pode ser pelo fone 0800 703 3673.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Under the Pen: Porsche 918 Spyder Concept

If you've been looking at my you can have your caek and eat it series, there has been many attempts to make fuel efficient sports car in the past and so far the ones in production are really the anorexic cars that barely lug around any weight. What the world has been waiting for is a responsible supercar, the biggest oxymoron in automotive history. Jeremy Clarkson famously stated that:

"supercars are designed to melt ice caps, kill the poor, poison the water table, destroy the ozone layer, decimate indigenous wildlife, recapture the Falkland Islands and turn the entire third world into a huge uninhabitable desert, all that before they nicked all the oil in the world. "

This statement is not entirely true as most supercars are never driven hence they are nothing more than sculptures, but due to increasing emission laws, car have to meet a benchmark mpg rating or pay fines. Lamborghini has already said they're going to pay the fines, but Porsche are fighting it, aiming to please the green people.

Porsche isn't the first to attempt the greenpeace hypercar special, Audi's R8 V12 TDi teased fans with its racecar derived engine transplant. The R8 V12 was only a concept and Audi decided it wasn't worth building as it needed extreme structural redesigning to digest the big engine, and they couldn't find a transmission to hold the reported 700lbft of torque.

Now to put this in perspective, the first hybrid was created by Porsche, 110 years ago! The design was heavily based on the racing 917s which dominated the 24hrs of Le Mans [hence the name]. Its chassis is based on its predecessor the Carrera GT but it swaps out the Carrera's V10 motor for a smaller, lighter, more economic and less powerful 500hp V8 but to make up for the power drop, the electric motors produce an astounding 200hp, combined that is 700hp! There are 3 electric motors in total, one going to the front wheels and two mounted on the rear. These motors get electricity from batteries that can also be charged via plugs! But the reason I decided to highlight this is because a) it works, no half working transmission or plastic brake pads and b) Porsche plans to race it at next year's Nurburgring 24hrs, which means that there is a high chance that this might reach production. The Carrera GT was also born from similar methods.

Funny enough earlier this year Porsche blatantly stated that they would not build a hybrid sports car. Were the playing us all along? Or is this saying that the 918 is just a joke? We will only know if the car reaches production.

Monaco Grand Prix 2010

the spectacle called Monaco
acrylic on paper 8x12" sold


acrylic on paper 8x12" sold
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