Wednesday, March 31, 2010

some quotations (Dr Bailey Edition)

some quotations from some of our lecturers 1st - 2nd year gonna start with Dr B then move on at later dates

Dr. R. Bailey
[Head Studio, Digital Design Media, Design Studio 3 & 4]
bio: always at school yet rarely seen outside of classes, never late, absent or sick, owner of quite possibly the largest number of architecture books in the caribbean, steel band player, lover of music and macs, slight lisp, always seems to smile at someone else's expense

-You don't have a scale rule?????? You don't have a scale rule?????? [in a very surprised face to Danell after asking for her scale rule]

-Any of you guys play an instrument? [no one answers] And you call yourselves artists [leaves studio]

-I have never heard so much bs in my life [comment after hearing a student's final crit for the semester]

-Back when I was at school we had a costume contest, I dressed up as Michael Jackson and had to dance [Melville plays Billie Jean, crowd of students chant] [Dr. B denies denies denies denies] [Dr. B dances] [class erupts]

-You know I really admire the work you've done here, I can't think of anything wrong with it.
[Mr Picart] Rohan you know you can say the word like, repeat after me, I like it
[Dr. B] Iiiiiiiiiiiii....[long drawn out extension] it ye sigh happy now?

-[students complaining about pieces of work gone missing due to virus' on the school's computer] well ye u see i don't get virus'

-unfortunately guys i cant get the notes to you we're having computer problems [Stephan] is the mac [Dr. B] hell no

meh there is more but this is it for now

Imagens do Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400

A Subaru divulgou alguns detalhes do Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400 a edição especial desenvolvida em conjunto com a emblemática Cosworth.

As imagens vem junto com o teaser da estréia do Impreza WRX STi no Salão Automóvel de Nova Iorque.

O Cosworth Impreza STI CS400 tem potência máxima de 400 cavalos. Com aceleração de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,7 segundos.

Clique nas fotos para ampliar

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ford Focus RS500 com 350cv

A Ford apresentou o modelo limitado do Focus o RS500, que será lançado somente na Europa, e serão produzidas 500 unidades, daí o 500 do nome.

Ele vem com um motor cinco cilindros turbo de 2,5 que gera 350 cavalos que o levam de 0 a 100 em apenas 5,6 segundos e chagando a máxima de 263 km/h.

Além do nome Focus RS500 ele se difere do Focus o RS também por alguns detalhes como a pintura em preto fosco, rodas de aro 19 polegadas e aerofólios.

Clique nas fotos para ampliar

Alpine dance


acrylic on paper 12x8"

one of those fine Renault Alpine A110
kicking up a fuss
coming down the moutain

É muito azar cair logo na frente de um carro de policia

Pois é o pior que cair de moto é cair bem em frente a um carro de policia depois de levar um susto por estar acima da velocidade permitida. Veja o vídeo do acidente.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Australian GP 2010



acrylic on paper 7x10"
Wow,that was magic
for some...
Button master of tyres
he is so smooth!


MINI Countryman no Brasil

Na corrida denominada MINI Challenge, realizada neste fim de semana, o presidente da BMW do Brasil, Jörg Henning Dornbusch, responsável da MINI no país. Confirmou a vinda do Mini Countryman para o Brasil.

A versão 4X4 do Mini vem com rodas de liga leve que podem ser de 16 e 19 polegadas, e a suspensão rebaixada em 10 milímetros (opcional).

Ele vem com sistema de navegação e áudio, teto panorâmico, faróis com regulagem de altura e banco traseiro de três lugares.

Os preços para o Brasil ainda não foram divulgados.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ford Ka ganha Kit Trail

A Ford Ka ganha kit Trail, desenvolvido pela Keko. O kit traz racks, adesivos nas portas e protetor de para-choque dianteiros e traseiros.

O Ford Ka Trail não é uma versão do Ka ela pode ser comprada a parte nas concessionárias.

O preço do kit Trail para o Ka sai por R$ 1 200.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Honda Fit em versão Si

O Honda Fit Europeu, que lá se chama Jazz, terá uma versão SI com motores 1.2 e 1.4 a gasolina.

Ele não terá um motor mais potente como no nosso Civic Si, o que lhe dá um ar de esportividade é a aparência e o cambio manual. No visual ele ganha rodas de 16 polegadas, aerofólio traseiro e tapetes bordados.

O Honda Jazz será lançado no Reino Unido a partir do dia 1º de abril (e não é mentira). A versão 1.2 terá preço sugerido de custar 12.835 libras e a versão 1.4 terá o valor de 13.510 libras.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My summary of Fountainhead

so in today's Architecture Since 1900 class, we watched a movie called Fountainhead. Its pretty much about how an architect, whom I shall call Joe, refuses to follow conventional designs so that the world can see that modern architecture is the way. Its cool and all but since this was based on a book written by a woman, its gonna be stuffed with drama.

So it starts with Joe presenting his design to some investors, the investors like it but they think it needs some ricing [rice: the unnecessary addition of items to an item, usually vehicles] so of course Joe takes this as a slap in the face and gets all emo and doesn't do any designs, essentially no one wants him so he becomes a worker drilling holes in rocks.

In other news there is a woman whom I shall call Kim. So she now is some kinda architectural journalist for a newspaper called The Banner. The Banner is owned by her so called fiancé whom I shall call Don. So now Don proposes to Kim, she says w/e then all of a sudden she runs into the country side. Kim now in the countryside walks like nothing is bothering her into the mines where ppl are drilling rocks. Now to me seeing that she was dressed as if she was goin to a party and she jus hops into a sausage fest, she's askin to be raped [later on she proves she wants to be raped]

In the magical fields where handsome men drill holes into rock while caressing the drill in a gay manner, Kim spots Joe, Kim instantly falls in love with Joe and asks him why he's lookin at her [cus she's the only female for 50 miles]. Desperate for Joe to rape her, she deliberately breaks some marble on her fireplace so that Joe can fix it. Kim tries hard to get raped but Joe just fixes the marble and moves on. Now Kim tells Joe to return to finish fixing the fireplace, Joe sends a plummer guy to fix it. Kim gets pissed, goes out on her magic white horse to chase down Joe, finds him and slaps him cross the face with a whip. Joe thinking wtf comes back later in the night to give her a slap or two [she didn't really get slapped jus a one shove which caused her to trip twice like a real damsel in distress] anyways no rape happens here, jus frustration and a one kiss. Joe then runs away to the city as he magically gets a job as an architect.

Joe's building gets built, Kim comes to look at the building with Don and Kim is stunned to see that the rock driller is an architect. Kim then wanting to get raped again visits Joe again after everyone leaves and gets a one kiss.

Don then hires Joe to build Don and Kim's house, Kim goes apeshit and tells Joe to gtfo. Don and Joe end up being friends and Don makes Joe famous and Joe builds buildings. Then there is a ginger guy [even tho its black and white u can still tell he's a ginger] who wants to copy Joe's buildings so that Joe's dream can come thru and the ginger can get the money. After this I fell asleep apparently Joe goes to court for this and ends up innocent. Don goes bankrupt and makes Joe build a mega huge building. Don kills himself and Joe marries Kim. The End.

All in all the movie is stuffed with sarcasm and cigarette smoke as well as some smart ass comments. The sorta cool stuff still don't make up for the drama.

Mercedes SLS AMG para a competição

A Mercedes irá participar das corridas da GT3 e algumas fotos do participante já estão na Internet.

Pouco se sabe sobre ele mas há rumores de que terá um motor de oito cilindros com mais de 600 cavalos.

O modelo ainda não tem preço anunciado, mas estipula-se que custará em torno de 150 mil euros, que é o preço do Porsche 911 GT3, e 300 mil euros que é o preço do BMW Z4 GT3.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seguro especial para carros zero

Hoje em dia esta cada vez mais fácil comprar um carro zero. Porem sempre da um e nada melhor que um carro zero aquele cheirinho de novo os plásticos nos bancos dá até um frio na barriga na hora de tirá-lo da concessionária, vai que um maluco vem e bate ou quem sabe um malandro chega e rouba o carro que você levou uma eternidade para conseguir comprar, deixando você apenas com o carnê nas mãos para pagar nos próximos anos.

É sempre muito importante considerar, já na escolha do carro, o seguro que melhor se adapta a seu bolso, lembrando sempre que tem carros de mesmo valor no mercado e seguros com valores bem diferentes.

Bom, mas indo direto ao assunto a SulAmérica lançou um produto voltado para aquelas pessoas que acabaram de comprar um carro 0km. O seguro chama-se SulAmérica Auto Zero Km. Que possui 5 pacotes de vantagens:

- Indenização do veiculo pelo valor da nota fiscal
- Serviço de Leva e Traz
- Manutenção do bônus por até 90 dias
- Cobertura imediata
- Cobertura gratuita para danos nas lanternas, faróis e retrovisores.

E ainda tem mais:

- Assistência 24h:
- Motorista Amigo
- Auxilio em caso de pane seca
- Carro substituto
- Reboque
- Taxi emergencial
- Troca de pneus

Mais detalhes no site

Sebring 2010


both acrylic on paper 7x10" sold
this years Sebring 12 hours
was all about the Peugeots,
what excting cars they are!
mind you...
they would look even better
against the Audi's

please click on pick for full effects


Monday, March 22, 2010

Zenvo ST1 Dinamarquês com 1104 cv

O Zenvo ST1 é um carro para poucos, alias muito poucos apenas 15 unidades produzidas. é desenvolvido pela empresa dinamarquesa Zenvo Automotive, o superesportivo esta exposto no centro de Bella, em Copenhague, na Dinamarca.

No vídeo abaixo você pode ver um pouco do que é este carro com motor V8 com 1104 cv e cambio de seis velocidades manual e vai de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,2 segundos chegando a velocidade máxima de 375 km/h.

Ele quase todo em fibra de carbono. E além de potencia tem alguns equipamentos para o conforto como: incluindo ar condicionado automático bi-zona, cruise control, vidros elétricos, três configurações de modo de condução, head-up display, entre outros. O preço ainda não foi divulgado.

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19th 2010 neevar forget

so this epic story started last week wen we [as a whole class] were assigned the task of doing a site analysis. the site was 2 empty lots behind devon house's back entrance [site a&b] now unlike other site analysis', the lecturers told us wat was needed, the location of the site and who is on what site. it was up to us to figure out who was gonna analyse wat.

this led to the argument of the century

big head #1 suggested we split up into site A and site B where one group would analyse northwards and one would go southwards

big head #2 suggested we split up into our tutorial groups [also called A and B] and split up even further to analyse specific items

big head #3 suggested we jus randomize and assign ppl to their strong points

while the biggerheads were organizing/planning/arguing the lecturers went off in lols to go and eat ice cream. I eventually got pissed and jus went out to do work, i wasnt the only one who jus did work, i think it was bout 10 of us or so..... neways on my return trip back to site B, which was the base camp for the big heads, orders were being dished out [finally!] so they told me to study cultural stuff [most of which i did already]. i was to do it with 3 others but by the time we crossed the street and do a one walk, we had to leave.

between last week and today we had 2 other big projects to do, one due tuesday and one due thursday.............

it was thursday evening [the 18th] wen the tribe leader said "yow guys u know we dont have shit for tmrw" after this there was panic. i calmly told tribe leader that i was gonna eat lunch then type up my info in a neat microsoft word document.

between my lunch break and me typin up my document, tribe leader and the group, of which i shall call tribe 1, went down to the site to get info we were supposed to get on friday, another small tribe went to hunt for building codes, only God knows were they went to look for that.

After the information was gathered, work was split into 2 groups, the ppl making the models [we needed 2 models] and the ppl doin the printed sheets [we needed at least 6 24"x36" sheets but we used 8] sometime in the evening i left to go home. tribe 1 planned on stayin the whole night to finish up the work

@ home, after reading fb, it seems only tribe 1 was at school, and little to no ppl else was there [btw tribe one is about 10-15 ppl out 40 mash students]

The Drama Begins
so i reach 8ish am, tribe one, who covered a good amount of ground during the night, was about to turn in some sleep. i [plus the group that came in @ 8am which i shall now call tribe 2] naturally stepped in to finish up. i did one of the models. as time progressed, the model was lookin more and more complete as more and more ppl pitched in around 11ish tribe 1 woke up and decided to entertain us with dances from night at the roxbury. this dancing ritual was brought to a halt when we got a 'ye guys ur a bit too loud' notice from the lecturers

all was fine and dandy on the model side, it was up to the print ppl to sort out themselves and print. by this time some of tribe 1 went home and a fresh new set of ppl [naturally called tribe 3] came in. now tribe 3's appearance caused some disruption, mainly cus some members felt tribe 3 didnt do shit. neways the males of the tribes didnt really give a shit neways and did work nonetheless about 1pm [an hour b4 it was due] the print ppl were ready to print.

we model ppl already confident in our progress decided to jus tidy up around the edges.....then light went.......light came back............light went neways we still went along workin till someone said "o shit the papers finish print yet" and b4 long a tribe 1 member came down the stairs to deliver the news

"So yea guys 2 pages print and the 3rd one still in the printer, I'm goin home"

struck with shock most of us laughed at the irony, until we heard that a nigga crashed into a light pole.........

being irrate and all a mix of tribe 1 and tribe 2 went out to look at the accident so we could cus him off. the search was in vain as the accident was nowhere to be found. on our way back to the dungeon, Dr B the lecturer said, yo guys jus do smtn in the next 1/2 hr and still pinup. so since the model was mostly done tribe 1 and tribe 2 model ppl decided to help with the paper stuff [note the printing paper ppl were mostly tribe1] some tribe 3 finished the model while other tribe 3 were lookin around for alternative printing sources

tribe 3 member: ok there's this place called XYZ it costs $600.00 per sheet to print
tribe 1 member: that's $3,600.00 divide that by 25 ppl thats about $150 per person that not so bad
me: i have $15
same tribe 1 member: o ye im broke
same tribe 3 member: shiiiiiiit

neways 2:15pm we handed in

it ended up with tribe 1 being so pissed and tired that they didnt even present
tribe 2 was half and half
tribe 3 was in the presentation room tryin a thing

so much drama, in one day one blog cannot contain it

ze end

Patrick Depailler



acrylic on paper 7x10"


another childhood hero
Patrick Depailler,full of flavour
and sadly missed
here in the ungainly Alfa of 1980

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lançamento da McLaren MP4-12C vídeos e fotos

A McLaren lançou oficialmente o MP4 12-C superesportivo foi apresentado no Salão de Frankfurt 2009.

McLaren MP4-12C tem motor 3.8 V8 e dois turbocompressores que geram 600 cv acoplado a um câmbio sequencial de sete marchas. Ele foi desenvolvido em fibra de carbono que o deixa mais leve. A suspensão pode ser ajustada de três formas esportiva, normal e confortável.

Os testes finais foram feitos pelos pilotos de F-1 da McLaren Jenson Button e Lewis Hamilton. Serão produzidas apenas mil unidades por ano e a maioria será destinada para os Estados Unidos e Europa com preço sugerido de 150 mil libras, o equivalente a R$ 408 mil.

Veja abaixo o vídeo de Jenson Button e Lewis Hamilton testando o carro:

Clique nas fotos para ampliar

Sebestian Loeb


acrylic on paper 7x10"

Last weekend,Loeb did his thing in Mexico
i think this guy needs a new challange
he is just too good at this rally thing

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Flagra do novo Porsche 911 fazendo testes na neve

Novas Fotos do Bugatti 16C Galibier

A Bugatti divulgou novas fotos do 16C Galibier, o o futuro quatro portas da marca, apresentado pela primeira vez ao público no Salão Automóvel de Genebra.

As fotos mostram o 16C Galibier totalmente pintado em preto, mas ainda não esta confirmado sua produção.

O 16C Galibier foi inspirado no Type 35, um dos carros de corrida de maior sucesso da Bugatti, que serviu também de inspiração na concepção do Veyron, o Galibier apresenta uma estrutura em alumínio e fibra de carbono, materiais leves e resistentes que também são utilizados na carroçaria, além de outras partes do veículo. Ele chama a atenção com sua abertura bipartida do capo e oito ponteiras de escape.

Clique nas fotos para ampliar

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