Friday, April 30, 2010

Junta homocinética você sabe o que é?

Você pode não saber mais esta peça de nome estranho é uma das maiores responsáveis por fazer seu carro andar.
A junta homocinética serve exatamente para transmitir a força do sistema de transmissão, para as rodas e ao mesmo tempo, permitir que as rodas girem mesmo quando você moda de direção ou passa por buracos.

As juntas homocinéticas atuais têm longa durabilidade, em geral 40 ou 50 mil quilômetros, mas necessitam de alguns cuidados especiais, quando for a um mecânico ou mesmo em um posto de gasolina, é sempre bom dar uma olhada como estão as suas coifas (proteção de borracha sanfonada ligada as rodas), Ela protege a junta homocinética de poeira, chuva e lama. Se a coifa tiver algum problema graxa existente nela perde-se em seu lugar se depositam substâncias abrasivas, reduzindo a durabilidade do conjunto em alguns milhares de quilômetros e obrigando a troca da peça toda.

Como perceber que existe problema no sistema de tração homocinética
Os problemas na homocinética podem ser percebido pelo motorista, tanto com o carro em movimento como em manobras. No primeiro caso, surge um barulho de atrito metálico característico, enquanto no segundo ocorrem estalos. Em ambos os casos, é sinal de que o conjunto está com excesso de folga, e a solução é trocá-lo por um novo.

Existem homocinéticas recondicionadas, que apesar de serem baratas, podem travar provocando sérios acidentes. Existe um processo de recuperação de homocinéticas (remanufaturada) que só é válido se for feito pelo próprio fabricante, que pouco aproveita da junta usada e, pode assim colocar no mercado uma peça com preço 30% menor e com a garantia da fábrica.

Uma solução de emergência, caso se possa intervir logo no primeiro sinal de desgaste, é desmontar a coifa, remover a junta homocinética, limpá-la e trocar a graxa (além de trocar a própria coifa, se estiver estragada). Procure um mecânico de sua confiança, pois sua troca requer ferramentas apropriadas e em geral o custo de sua manutenção não é alto.


Ford edição S1600 do Fiesta

A Ford anuncou o lançamento de uma nova edição especial do Fiesta, que foi denominada S1600, porém ela será exclusiva para o mercado britânico.

A produção será limitada em 650 unidades, e possuirá versão diesel 1.6 TDCi de 90cv e também versão a gasolina 1.6 Ti-VCT de 120cv. E vem com faixas na carroceria pára-choques esportivos e rodas de 16 polegadas e 17 polegadas quando tiver motor dieseu.

Futuramente será disponibilizado um kit de potência desenvolvido pela empresa Mountune, a mesma que desenvolveu o kit de potência para o novo Focus RS.


ok since the last two editions of this series porsche decided to be a porn star and open up pics and details to 2 new hybrid projects...

911 GT3R Hybrid
ok this is a flywheel powered KERS system borrowed from Williams F1, but its still cool, 2 80hp electric motors in the front wheels with a 480hp flat 6 round the back. it shall race in the 2010 24hrs of nurburgring.

Porsche 918

this is the big one, 3 electric motors [2 to the front wheel and one to the transmission] totalling 218hp. a nice and small 3.4L V8 making 500hp. The chassis is a carry over from the Carrera GT and porsche may or may not build it. MPG? 78! btw its a pluggy too. [i can already imgine how intense it must be when u there coasting along then u hear the violent V8 bark in like Vtec on crack]


Volvo, like Saab, has made some interesting cars.... the most interesting has to be their station wagons/hatchbacks example the Amazon, P1800,V, 700, 900 and 200 series. Up to now I really never understood why I loved them especially the 200, 700 and 900 series. First up they aren't pretty or fast [despite having a 'turbo' model]. They are however practical and safe. But alot of cars do that stuff [some even do that stuff and look good and or go fast]. I really think it has to be the looks, I guess its good looking in the same way the G or the H1 is good looking, its just rugged. Anyways spotted a nice 200 turbo yesterday morning and thought [oooo i want one] later in the day autoblog posted this up, now i want one even more.

its sorta sad that the cost to film is probably more than the cost of the video

when car companies divide by zero

Serious talk now, there has been a disease spreading across the automotive world called the "oiseeugotanewmodelletmejuscopythatandstealursales' bug. Now this bug has been around since Karl Benz put out the first car. This has brought up some good rivalry [Ferrari vs Lamborghini] and at the same time some companies took it too far [Chevrolet Corvair] But since the end of the 90s this bug has hit hard, especially in Deutschland.

Ingolstadt vs Munich
The boys from Audi and BMW have been bitching back and forth, if you've been paying attention to their ads you'll just see its plain hilarious. But all this bitchin is just hiding the fact that they're really scared of the big dog Mercedes-Benz. To me I think Benz comes out with a new 'Class' every day in their offices but their accountants won't allow these ideas to leave the office floor. Of course some slip out, some good some bad, but always unique. Recently Benz added the CLS, GLK, GL and R Class' to their [domestic] line up. All are brand new models which create new segments [GLK is an exception]. Of all these models the one that caught the most stares was the CLS. The CLS was a mix between the stylish and sportiness of a coupe and the practicality of a sedan, it was genius! The CLS 55AMG models proved that all other modes of 4 door high speed transport was irrelevant. Immediately companies brought out the tracing paper. Audi's big/little brother VW launched the Passat CC to sorta test the waters of this new field. Did it work? Well Audi is now developing the CLS rivaling A7 to be out by this year. Now something went wrong in BMW, they thought "ok, lets be smart and not totally completely copy them, lets go one step up!" That brainstorm brought us the X6, the merger of the coupe and the SUV.

Problems of the X6.
Now I like the X5 [which the X6 is based on] it cant go off road but at least it looks presentable.... and its spacious too. Now BMW realized if they wanted to keep the coupe concept they needed to cut out some roofline, this killed the interior space significantly. Also the back looked like it was in an accident. As in imagine if a tree fell on the back of your X5 [of course no one who reads my blog owns an X5] then imagine removing the tree yet u still drive around with the damage round the back, the X6 sorta looks like that. So essentially it's an X5 with the parts that make an X5 good, taken out. But wait there's more! Because its a sporty coupe suv thing, the suspension is even more like a coupe's! [this sucks btw] which means that the same pebbles and grass your X5 struggled to get over, your X6 can't even look at them too tough. And wait there's even more!!! So what could make this vehicle even worse, it's more expensive than the X5. The only good thing about the X6, is the X6M, which is disturbingly fast, but the X5M is just as fast and cheaper.

In the books the X6 is the worst car of modern times yet the sad fact is that BMW has now created its own strain of "oiseeugotanewmodelletmejuscopythatandstealursales' Honda is first up to the plate with the Accord Crosstour and its luxurious brother the Acura ZDX. Now luckily these two have done it right by actually being seen as a more spacious car [ya these are mixes of car and SUV], unfortunately they still retain the X6's ugly gene's. BMW has since brought out the 5 Series GT [which really the ZDX was made to compete with] The 5 Series GT is better than the X6 in the practicality depart but even more ugly. So fortunately for BMW they have created a new class, the halfcoupehalfsuvwithahugeslopingroof, unfortunately for us this has opened Pandora's Box.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Audi A5 Sportback no Brasil

A Audi do Brasil apresentou o A5 Sportback, modelo que representa o segmento cupê 4 portas da marca. O A5 Sportback tem o entre-eixos de 2,81 metros dando bastante espaço para os ocupantes.

O A5 Sportback vem equipado como freios com sistema anti-travamento (ABS), ar-condicionado digital, quatro airbags, controle de estabilidade (ESP), transmissão automática seqüencial Multitronic de oito velocidades, rodas de liga leve de 18 polegadas e sistema de freios regenerativos(sistema que armazenam a energia das frenagens e alimentar os sistemas eletrônicos como os da F1).

Ele vem com o motor 2.0 TFSI turbocomprimido com injeção direta de combustível e tem potencia de 214 cv o levando de 0 a 100 km/h em 7,4 segundos chegando a máxima de 235 km/h.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gelo Porsche


acrylic on paper 6x8" sold
towards the end the 70's Georg Loos
entered 3 of these 935's in the DTM
they looked great and went fast in the hands of
John Fitzpatrick and Toine Hezemans
can someone remember the 3d driver?

Peugeot Hoggar a partir de R$ 31 400

A Peugeot lança ainda esta semana a picape Hoggar baseada na família 207. Ela virá em três versões a X-Line, XR e Escapade. A X-Line, XR ven com motor 1.4 8V e Escapade utiliza o motor 1.6 16V.

A X-Line traz de série para-choque dianteiro pintado na cor, rodas de aço de 14 polegadas, chave de ignição codificada, lanterna de neblina e indicador de manutenção, regulagem de altura do banco do motorista e da coluna de direção, para-sol com espelho de cortesia para motorista e acompanhante, aviso sonoro de esquecimento da chave no contato, de luzes acesas e do tanque de combustível na reserva e preparação para som.

Na XR além dos itens da X-line vem ainda com faróis dianteiros com máscara negra, barras longitudinais no teto da cabine que suportam 70 kg de apoio.

Já na Top de linha a Escapade além do motor 1.6 Flex ela traz um visual mais esportivo, rodas em liga leve de 15 polegadas, ar-condicionado, vidros elétricos com comando seqüencial para o motorista, bancos dianteiros esportivos, que apresentam uma nova padronagem de tecido e retrovisor externo com regulagem interna elétrica, dois alto-falantes nas portas dianteiras, travamento automático das portas em velocidade e travas elétricas nas portas com telecomando.

Os preços da X-Line partem de R$ 31.400, da XR de R$ 35.350 e a Escapade parte de R$ 43.500.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Renault-Alpine A442

acrylic on paper 6x11" sold
in 1978 Renault fulfilled a long held ambition
winning Le Mans and beating the Porsches
such a gorgeous car,
Didier Pironi and JP Jaussaud

Lamborghini chega a 402,4 km/h

Em um evento de arrancadas no Texas, um Lamborghini Superleggera atinge a marca dos 402,4 km/h em 1,6 quilômetro. Veja a arrancada no vídeo abaixo.

Recall Land Rover Defender

A Land Rover faz recall mundial dos modelos Defender 90, 110 e 130, ano-modelo 2007 e 2008 para verificação do anel de vedação da caixa de transferência e o sistema de freio de estacionamento.

A convocação inclui 123 unidades vendidas no Brasil e mais de 19.000 no mundo. O atendimento aos proprietários dos veículos começa amanhã, dia 28.

As concessionárias vão inspecionar a caixa, substituir o anel vedador e verificar as lonas do sistema. Se estiverem contaminadas pelo óleo, elas deverão ser substituídas. O serviço leva em torno de uma hora e pode ser agendado por meio do (0800) 012-2733.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

the most awesome car that never was the TVR Cerbera Speed 12

Back in the 90's there was an eruption of awesome cars, the Ferrari F40 started it in the late 80's by touching 200mph, over the next 5 years that speed climbed to an intense 240mph set by the intense McLaren F1. The record stood for an amazing 12 years where it was broken by the Koenigsegg CCR by only 1mph. Now since the McLaren's debut in 1992 many vehicles have attempted to take on its record, heck Koenigsegg only existed to break that record. But there was one vehicle that showed promise, fear and a good dose of epic, the TVR Cerbera Speed 12.


“Owning a TVR in the past was like owning a bear. I mean it was great, until it pulled your head off, which it would.” Jeremy Clarkson

Ever heard of them? Nope? Well TVR is one of Britain's so called 'shed' car companies. A typical shed car company utilizes parts from other cars [chassis', engines, transmissions etc] and attaches them in various manners to achieve their own unique 'Frankenstein' creation. However, TVR was unique, especially under the ownership of Peter Wheeler, who moved TVR from a shed car company to a shed car company who made their own engines, which just spelled insanity. Pretty much if you can name a TVR model Peter Wheeler was behind it. TVR's most famous model definately has to be the Tuscan which had a cameo in Swordfish.

The Birth of A Monster

Now after seeing the McLaren F1, Peter Wheeler thought to himself, we can do better. The goal: more power and less weight than the F1. But first they needed a chassis, they decided to build up on their top of the line model, the Cerbera.

The Cerbera itself was a monstrosity, 420hp in a 1100kg package, [think of it this way, taking a Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale engine and putting it into a 01 Mini]. From there development went underway to look for an engine. TVR only made 3 engines, 2 V8s [420hp and 360hp] and a 4.0L inline 6 [350hp] none of which could match the McLaren F1's 627hp V12 grunt, but someone in the factory had a brilliant idea to weld together two engines so as to match [or even outdo] the McLaren's grunt. Thus came forth the name Speed 12.

The idea was to weld together two of their inline 6's to make a V12, simple logic would make that add up to a whopping 700hp, but TVR didn't stop there. Of course you cant just weld an engine like that, the bore stroke etc all had to be changed ensuring the engine was now a 7.7L instead of the supposedly planned 8.0L. Now something to note, usually engines are made of cast iron, some fancier engines are made of aluminium, but TVR chose steel, which is like unfathomably unorthodox. But still the key was to see how much power it made. When dyno time came around TVR bolted up its V12 beast to a dyno rated at 1000hp......and broke it. Probably more surprised than upset TVR decided to dyno only 6 of the 12 cylinders at one time after which they would add up the numbers. They rated it at a 'conservative' 960hp. So basically the TVR was successful so far, jus two more tests, top speed [pffffft easy stuff] and making production [the killer].

Now so far Peter Wheeler's mind was set on making this a kick ass race car then watering it down in order for it to run on the road, which of course makes perfect sense seeing thats how all great autos are made. But problem was that it was too kick ass and to quote Jeremy Clarkson: “Racing cars which have been converted for road use never really work. It’s like making a hardcore adult film, and then editing it so that it can be shown in British hotels. You’d just end up with a sort of half hour close up of some bloke’s sweaty face.” And boom......problem. While Peter Wheeler was driving one home he realised that it was waaaaaaaay too much to be driven on the road, immediately after Wheeler dumped the project claiming it was too much for the road.

Some stats to compare

2006 Toyota Camry
3.5L V6
0-60: 5.8s
Top Speed: 149 mph

Mitsubishi Evolution X FQ400
2.0L Turbocharged Inline 4
0-60: 3.8s
Top Speed: 155mph

1992 McLaren F1
6.1L BMW sourced V12
0-60: 3.2s
Top Speed: 240mph

TVR Cerbera Speed 12
7.7 V12
0-60: 2.9s
Top Speed: 240mph +

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Favourite 2nd year projects

ok there wasn't that much projects in 2nd year [that i liked] but they were still interestin

#1 Memory

Brief: We were to design a memorial in honor of an event [we gotthe Frome riots] that took place in Jamaica's past. We were split into groups for analysis [best group evar= me, Je-Anne, Amanda and Shaun].

Rules: The structure was to be small enough so that it could be transported.

Purpose: To be able to analyse a 'memory' and relate to it in an abstract way, without losing the meaning

Why I liked it: Because it involved research which, weirdly, I love doing. Even the method of doing my project was just all out me, no restraint, all risk.....and it worked :D

#2 Ritual

Brief: For this project we were to create a structure that was built around 'an event' [we got contemporary western wedding]. As a group [same group as Memory] we had to act out the ritual to better analyse it.

Rules: We were only allowed to design the interior spaces.

Purpose: To understand the importance structures have on the daily routine of humans

Why I liked it: Because of the process aspect of it, I had really cool drawings for it

#3 Portfolio

Brief: Collate all projects done since the start of 2nd year into a digital format.

Rules: Portfolio must be spiral bound and printed on 8.5x11

Purpose: Learning to use consistent sheet layouts as well as to analyse each project that semester

Why I liked it: I dunno I just did :)

#4 Bus Stop

Brief: For this project we were to design a bus stop to go anywhere along the Half Way Tree to Papine route.

Rules: Bus Stop must be constructed in Google Sketch-Up and must be 'photomatched' along said route.

Purpose: To fully utilize all the tools Google Sketch-Up has to offer.

Why I liked it: Because of the photomatch tool. This was our first project where we could see our structure in the real world.

#5 Project 2: The Shelter

Brief: For this project we were to design a shelter [either temporary or permanent] to go along a section of the Hope River.

Rules: The shelter must be able to house one person as an area to study or to rest.

Purpose: To do research into sustainable materials and how the environment around a structure reacts around it

Why I liked it: It was very technical stuff. I chose to make mine temporary with easily detachable joints and simple construction. Plus my presentation went well.

Favorite Studio Projects [1st year]

a list of my favourite projects since entering arch school [AS1]

#1 Placemaking

Brief: We were taken to palisadoes [near the lighthouse, in front of the shipwreck] where we were build up an area that could be used by humans. The class was split into groups and given different areas [my group=Jo-Ann, Stefan, Kayode, Melville, Deandrea and Pete]

Rules: It had to look as if it was built by humans. Only items found on the beach could be used

Purpose: To stir up so creativity amongst us, creating 'places' without using conventional materials

Why I liked it: It touched on something I loved doing, building up from what is already there. It was one of our first 'sustainable' projects. Every time I pass by there I wonder if it still stands

#2 The Tool

Brief: Draw a tool, must be movable, in a manner that best describes the use and motion of the tool.

Rules: Each student was to draw the tool at 1:1 scale [i did 2:1 scale] on a 18x24 sheet of vellum

Purpose: Basics of sheet layout and detail drawing.

Why I liked it: Because I worked smartly over it. No late night sessions, no tracing and a lot of planning. And I still managed to [sorta] finish despite using one of the more complex tools and wasting the day b4 handin at the E10 launch. Dr. Bailey said he liked it.

#3 Street Scapes

Brief: The class was split into groups [my group= Tiffany, Pete, Deandrea]. In our groups we were to analyse different areas in Kingston [our group got Ring Road, UWI Mona].

Rules : A site map was necessary as well as some drawings of buildings on the site. A model of any building along the site was also to be done at any scale [ i think we did 1:50]

Purpose: To teach us how to manage a large scale site analysis

Why I liked it: We went to UWI to take pictures like a big field trip, of course campus security stopped us before we could finish it up :(. The presentation was highlighted by my big freehand drawing of a [roughly] 1:1000 base map of Ring Road

#4 Lighting Device

Brief: Design a device capable of distributing light by the method assigned to you: spotlight, diffusion and reflection [i got spotlight]. The device will look like a standard geometric shape: sphere, cylinder, cube, tetrahedron, cone or pyramid [i got cube]

Rules: Don't call it a lamp!

Purpose: Training for large scale model making as well as investigating the manipulation of light

What I liked about it: Everything, really cool project. I loved the crazy ideas I had for it such as letting it cast a spotlight on itself and making it a suggestive cube, like a rubix cube exploded.

#5 Architectural Elements

Brief: The class is split into groups [Me, Tiffany, Pete and Deandrea again]. Each group was then assigned an element of architecture to analyse [we got elevations].

Rules: We were then to make a model of a building with these elements [we chose to do Cornerstone architects] as well as drawings [i drew the elevations :D]

Purpose: To have a better understanding of terms used in architecture

What I liked about it: Our project was the best looking! :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Mais informações do novo Uno

Depois de surgir algumas fotos na Internet do novo Uno, agora a Fiat divulga alguns dados sobre ele.

O novo Uno virá em quatro versões: Vivace 1.0, Way 1.0, Attractive 1.4 e Way 1.4. Segundo a Fiat o Uno recebeu nova tecnologia nos motores que deverão diminuir o consumo e a emissão de poluentes. E terão também nova denominação e se chamarão a partir de agora Fire 1.0 Evo e Fire 1.4 Evo.

O novo Uno não herda praticamente nada do seu antepassado tendo nova plataforma, novo visual e novo interior. O Mille continuará sendo fabricado.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shell faz um Nissan 370Z transparente

Para mostrar por onde passa o lubrificante Shell mostra um Nissan 370Z transparente.
Veja o vídeo comercial abaixo e também o making of um pouco mais abaixo.

Ferrari 458 Italia no Brasil

A importadora Via Itália apresentou a Ferrari 458 Italia para o Brasil. As vendas começam apenas no segundo semestre com o preço partindo de R$ 1,5 milhão.

A 458 Italia vem com o motor 4.5 V8 de 570 cv de potência e transmissão de sete velocidades segundo fazendo de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,4 segundos com máxima de 325 km/h.

Segundo o gerente geral da Via Itália, Francisco Longo, espera-se a venda de 20 unidades da 458 Italia no país até o fim de 2010.

Fotos da Ferrari 458 Italia

A importadora Via Itália apresentou a Ferrari 458 Italia para o Brasil. As vendas começam apenas no segundo semestre com o preço partindo de R$ 1,5 milhão.

A 458 Italia vem com o motor 4.5 V8 de 570 cv de potência e transmissão de sete velocidades segundo fazendo de 0 a 100 km/h em apenas 3,4 segundos com máxima de 325 km/h.

Segundo o gerente geral da Via Itália, Francisco Longo, espera-se a venda de 20 unidades da 458 Italia no país até o fim de 2010.

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